Health Guardian Trim® is a unique green coffee bean extract combined with 4 other thermogenic nutrients that will maximize fat burning while providing a natural all-day energy without the jitters.
HG Trim® is a capsule taken daily that is safe and an effective way to naturally DECREASE APPETITE, INCREASE ENERGY, BURN FAT and LOSE WEIGHT.
*Individual results may very
Product Reports
HG Trim®
The headlines read, “Fat & Getting Fatter: U.S. Obesity Rates to Soar By 2030!”
Using a model of population and other trends, a new report released in September 2012 by the Trust for America's Health and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation projects that half of U.S. adults will be obese by 2030 unless Americans change their ways. The "F as in Fat" report highlights the current glum picture of the U.S. obesity epidemic, in which 35.7 percent of adults and 16.9 percent of children age 2 to 19 are obese, as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported earlier this year.
I am here to say…it is not your fault! Instead I blame the trillion dollar food industry with its useless, addictive and toxic food products. We live in a fast food society which promotes foods that are anything but nutritious and yet high in calories, fat, sugar, sodium and chemicals we can’t even begin to pronounce. When I was a child growing up, we use to eat one meal per week (usually lunch) at a fast food restaurant and that was considered a treat. All the other meals were prepared by mom and eaten around the kitchen table. Today, families eat on average 5-7 meals per week at fast food restaurants and some families might eat as many as 2 meals per day…when you consider some schools are supplied by KFC, Taco Bell, MacDonald’s or Burger King.
Worse yet, the trillion dollar dysfunction food industry is feeding into the trillion dollar pharmaceutical industry because obesity raises the risk of numerous diseases, like type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke and cancer, meaning more sick people and higher medical costs in the future and making our wonderful healthcare system nothing more than a disease care system.
But it is time to say, “I am mad as hell and not going to take it anymore!” Let me put you on the path to lasting weight loss which will add years to your life and quality to your years. You see, I believe in order to gain control of our weight challenge…we need to watch the amount of calories we put into our bodies every day and do our best to burn some calories every day. There is an inherent problem with both of these scenarios. Number one, we find ourselves hungry all day long and have are hard to not giving in to our cravings, and number two, we find ourselves tired all day long not having the energy to conquer the simplest of exercise programs.
So, we need to “get by with a little help from our friends!” No, I am not talking about using some weight miracle loss drug, because we know how that all turned out with the introduction of Fen-Phen™, Redux™ and Pondomin™…I think there is still ongoing class action lawsuits in the millions of dollars. I am talking about something I formulated that I believe will help you accomplish your weight loss goals. This new product is called HG Trim® which accomplishes three goals.
1. Increase Energy…with an increase in energy, you will have not only the energy to be more functional throughout the day but you will also have the energy to take on an exercise program when you get home at night, which means calories burned.
2. Decrease Appetite…no longer will you be dominated by your food cravings which means fewer calories throughout the day and a sensible meal at night.
3. Increase Metabolism…as we age, our metabolisms slows way down, which is why you start noticing that all of a sudden the things you ate when you were young now are showing up around your waist or on your backside. When you increase the metabolism you are burning calories all day long even while sitting at your desk. HG Trim® accomplishes all three of these goals because of its five unique, active ingredients:
- Green Coffee Bean Extract 400 mg (50% Chlorongenic Acid): There is new evidence that green, or unroasted, coffee beans can produce a decrease in body weight in a reasonable period of time. Results will vary from individual to individual depending on your activity and your nutrition choices. In a study published in the journal Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity researchers from the University of Scranton in Pennsylvania describe how a small group of overweight or obese people who consumed a fraction of an ounce of ground green coffee beans each day lost about 10% of their body weight. The chlorogneic acid in green coffee helps you manage your weight and promote fitness in a variety of ways. First, according to research reported in the American journal of Clinical Nutrition, chlorogenic acid from green coffee reduces sugar absorption from the intestines. It also has been shown to help inhibit an enzyme to the liver that releases sugar into the bloodstream. These two effects help to maintain healthy sugar levels so you can control your appetite. Chlorogenic acid has also been shown to speed up the rate of metabolic fat burning, and laboratory studies have even shown a reduction in the size of fat cells. Dr. Oz has put his name behind the use of the green coffee bean for successful weight loss.
- Citrimax 400 mg: Citrimax or hydroxycitric acid (HCA) has become a popular ingredient for weight-loss products. It is derived from the rind of Garcinia cambogia, a fruit from India that resembles a tiny pumpkin. Its makers tout it as a "carb blocker," meaning that it prevents carbohydrates from turning into fat. Studies showed that Citrimax blocked an enzyme called, ATP-Citrate Lyase, which led to a reduction in converting carbohydrates to fat. It also appeared to reduce appetite. Citrimax may help athletes prolong exercise, according to a study conducted by Maastricht University in 2001. One group of cyclists drank a liquid containing 18 grams of Citrimax; another group drank a placebo. The Citrimax group showed significantly lower lactic acid levels after exercise. Produced in muscles during exercise, lactic acid results in soreness and fatigue.
- Citrus Aurantium Extract 200 mg: Citrus Aurantium extract is also known as bitter orange. Also known as Zhi Shi in China, where it has been used for its medicinal benefits. Citrus Aurantium Fruit extract comes from bitter orange as well as the peel. Once picked, the fruit is halved and then quartered, and milled into a powder to be used in supplements. Its main component is synephrine, a substance said to promote fat burning, increase energy, increase metabolic rate, promote weight loss and increase body heat. The most notable benefits of Citrus Aurantium extract are its ability to increase resting metabolic rate, which results in weight loss. It is found to exhibit a powerful thermogenic effect, and does not produce the undesirable side effects on blood pressure and heart rate that ephedrine does.
- Guarana Seed Extract 200 mg: Guarana is a plant found in abundance throughout South America, the seed of guarana has been used since ancient times to treat a variety of ailments and as a general-wellness tonic. The caffeine in coffee is a stimulant that can give you a false feeling of energy, causing your body to experience a "spike and crash" syndrome. For a while you feel recharged but before you know it you crash. Scientists have found that guarana releases its caffeine gradually causing sustained energy over a long period of time. Other benefits discovered are increased mental sharpness, and enhanced long-term memory. Traditionally, it has been used for headaches and migraines. It is also used as an antibacterial agent. Guarana is often added to herbal weight loss supplements to increase the thermogenesis and help control appetite.
- BioPerine Extract 150 mg: BioPerine, is an extract derived from black pepper (Piper Nigrum L). Piperine is what gives peppers their spicy taste. This extract is marketed as a nutritional supplement and has been found to increase the absorption of a variety of nutrients. The most established effect of piperine is its effect on absorption of nutrients from the intestine. This effect is known as "bio enhancement" according to an article published in the "Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine" in 2010. Bioperine supplements are very popular with both athletes and people trying to lose weight. This is because of the supplement's ability to energize and enhance thermogenesis. Thermogenesis is known as one of the main factors of weight loss and is vital for absorbing nutrients and food. It is also an important facet to gastrointestinal absorption and digestion.
HG Trim® is a unique formula which combines the active ingredients from several popular weight loss products. There are 60 capsules per bottle and the recommended dosage is 2 capsules any time after breakfast. This is a much easier program to follow than all the other weight loss products that recommend taking 30 minutes before each meal. How many times do you forget to take it at home before your meal or forget to take it with you when you go out to eat. What you will notice is a more alert and energetic feeling that will last all day long. The caffeine in HG Trim® is equivalent to 2 cups of coffee, but is a time released energy without a crash at the end of the day.
When the fat burning and appetite suppressing power of HG Trim® is combined with HG Cleanse (a colon cleansing product) and HG Slim (a great tasting meal replacement), a person will find the pounds start to shed in no time!
About the Author:
Harry Elwardt is a naturopathic doctor with a PhD in Health & Nutrition. He is the founder of The Health Guardian, LLC. He is also the author of the book, “Let’s STOP the #1 Killer of Americans TODAY!” Dr. Elwardt has declared war on heart disease and travels the country lecturing on what Americans can do to prevent and reverse this merciless killer. He realizes the importance of maintaining one’s normal weight is a good step towards fighting cardiovascular disease. If you would like to schedule Dr. Elwardt to lecture and conduct heart screenings in your church or business establishment, email him at
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